- Required announcement information according to E-Commerce Law (ECG) by law and terms of WKO
- Disclosure requirementsas per art. 25 Media Law Federal Law Gazette nr. 314/1981 as amended in Federal Law Gazette I nr. 8/2009
- Media owner and publisherZIMM GmbH
- Object of the companyDevelopment and production of industrial gearboxes and matching parts
- AddressMillennium Park 3 | A-6890 Lustenau
- Phone+43 5577 806-0
- Emailinfo@zimm.com
- CEOGunther Zimmermann
- Registered office of the companyA-6890 Lustenau
- Commercial register courtLandesgericht Feldkirch
- Commercial register nr.FN 61869 i
- VAT ID nr.ATU69063247
- Banking detailsRaiffeisenlandesbank Bregenz
Account number: 11999 | sort code: 37000
IBAN AT40 37000 00000011999
BIC RVVGAT2B - Chamber of commerceVorarlberg
- Competent autority pursuant to e-commerce law (ECG) and trade authorityBH Dornbirn
- Applicable rules
- Editorial conceptProviding information about the company’s products and services and promoting sales.
Copyrights and usage rights
All and any copyrights and usage rights of all and any information, designs, photos and drawings communicated on our websites and in our catalogues belong exclusively to us. Texts and pictures enjoy copyright protection. Their use, reproduction and other usage – particularly the transfer to third parties – is subject to our explicit written consent.
Neither our websites nor our catalogues may be considered as commercial or legal consultation. Commercial or legal consultation requires the establishment of an individual contact and the conclusion of a contract with us. The contents of our catalogues and websites are non-binding and are not deemed to be an offer for the conclusion of a contract. Consequently, we do not assume any liability for the up-todateness, accuracy or completeness of these contents. This applies especially to contents of external websites (“links”) that are accessible through our website. We are at any time entitled to modify the contents of our catalogues and of our websites. We will not assume any liability and/or warranty regarding the availability of our websites and/or catalogues. The most recent drawings that have been verified and signed by both partners in our confirmation of order, shall be applicable.
Legal disclaimer
Should a legal relationship be established exclusively on the basis of the contents of our websites and/or our catalogues – without any direct contact with us – this relationship shall be governed exclusively by Austrian law under exclusion of the conflict rules. Exclusive place of jurisdiction for any possible litigation shall be the court having competence for A-6890 Lustenau.